Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Human Nature Essay

Human Nature Essay: Evil

 Everyone who has a good side, also has a very bad side. Humans are naturally evil, although people will act good, in our darkest moments we will do whatever it takes to save ourselves or get what we desperately want. We become demons.
  Humans will break the rules that they’ve made. We as a species have created rules and morals for us to follow. But if we were born naturally good, we would not need rules to follow. Sometimes the rules we make for ourselves end up making us evil in the end. The rules that were supposed to be used to keep us from doing evil things, end up making people angry, sad and evil. Even the people who make the rules will become evil.
We are taught at a young age to be good. If we were born naturally innocent then there would be no need to be taught to be good. Our morals are mostly based on what we've been taught by others.
Humans are naturally selfish. We will help ourselves before we help others, we will do whatever it takes to get what we want. When trying to survive we have to help ourselves and we end up doing bad things. This is apparent in the stories of Night, Lord of the Flies and The Cold Within where some characters in all of the stories act selfish and greedy to help save themselves.
Humans are the most truthful when angry. Anger is a form of evil and we say things we might regret when we're angry, but sometimes we say things we actually mean. When we are good we try to help others and be nice and we try not to say hurtful things. When we are angry we say the truth and sometimes the truth can be ugly. We are more truthful when evil, this is another reason for why we are naturally evil.
Humans are naturally evil. We make rules to stop us from being evil. We teach each other to be good. We act selfish just to save ourselves and get what we want. We are more truthful and honest when we are angry. Humans show their true thoughts and opinions when they're evil.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pre-Reading The Chocolate War

  School pranks happen all the time. They can be big or small and can be fast or take place over a long period of time. School pranks are pulled on teachers, students and other staff. They can be from a small prank with your friends to pulling the fire alarm and having everyone evacuate the building. 
  Doing school pranks can most of the time come with many consequences. Many times people are caught when doing a prank or after the prank was pulled. Depending on how severe the prank was can depend on the consequences someone gets when they get caught. If a prank is severe enough it could have people hurt or even arrested. I have seen many pranks pulled at school which has the student or students involved suspended for weeks, even months. 
  It is sometimes okay to pull a small prank at school with some of your friends, but it should not involve hurting or endangering anyone, or destroying personal property of others. Even though most pranks do involve those things. Actually don't do pranks at school, a lot of times they're not even funny or impressive anyway.

Test post

My favorite vacation ever was when I went to Myrtle Beach.